Tristan had his last day of Induction chemo 8/24/22. We just found out he is in remission from his B cell ALL which was our hope. YAY!!!! He gets to come home tomorrow!!!! He hasn’t been outside since 7/20!!!!
His long road isn’t near from over; however, we will take it day by day and win by win!
He will be home for 6 weeks and we want to make those 6 weeks super special. He can’t wait to go to Disches, Brothers and Live Garden to chow on fettuccine ravioli!!!!!
He will be getting home chemo & going to Childrens Hospital twice a week.
After the 6 weeks he will be getting radiation, more chemo & bone Marrow transplant and be in isolation for a year as we still need to treat the CML and keep him in remission from ALL.
We are so excited to bring him home!
When I get a better idea of the time we will get home I will post!