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UPDATE: Week 2

Our family started a Go Fund me page and we are so very grateful for your contributions. We have a long road ahead.

Here is the link:

Tristan is on his first round of a 32 day chemotherapy cycle. It consists of various medications daily. The past few days have been challenging. He is nauseous, his stomach hurts, he’s weak and his legs are sore. He doesn’t like the hospital food so we are struggling to find things he can eat. He unfortunately had an allergic reaction today to a new chemo med which was a distressing set back. We will have to try again on Monday after he gets pre medication…and hopefully he will tolerate it then. He will hopefully start feeling better in a few days.

In a week and 1/2 he will have a repeat Lumbar Puncture to assess his blasts counts & chemo efficacy. At day 32 he gets another LP and bone marrow biopsy to assess if he’s in remission. Only then will we know if he needs another round of chemo BEFORE his bone marrow transplant.

Next week we will meet with the transplant team. Our family members will do cheek swabs to see if any of us are a match. If not, we may run a drive or look at national banks.

Matt and I continue to trade off so someone is always with him and someone is with our other son. Tristan is very grateful for all the cards and gifts. We are extremely grateful for everyone's love, support, contributions to the meal train and go fund me. I’d like to thank Jan and Perry Bruno for connecting us with Don McGill and his team who are helping us get our home safe and ready for when Tristan can come home in an urgent manner. We have good and bad days. It is extremely difficult to watch your child suffer even when it’s for a hopeful cure.

I am glad I was able to draw attention to the important need for people to donate bone marrow on View Now: FOX 25 today as I was interviewed. Your ongoing AMAZING support is so helpful and appreciated.

♥️ Love ya!

Dawn & Matt

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