Feel dehydrated? Want to pre-hydrate prior to a big event such as a bachelor or bachelorette party or wedding? A cleanse may be the right choice for you.

Immune Boost
Do you want a little extra boost to help your metabolism this treatment may be right for you. It is full of essential amino acids and vitamins that promote weight loss.
What IV infusion is right for you?
Did you know the human body is mostly made up of water? In fact, the average adult human body has up to 60% water (varies based on age and gender). This is important for a number of reasons when you look at the critical functions water serves.
We offer a wide range of IV infusion services - each delivering nutrients directly into the bloodstream helping your body replenish itself so you can feel your best. Try one of our IV infusions below:
Glutathione: Benefits include reduces oxidative stress, may improve psoriasis, reduces cell damage in alcoholic and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, improves insulin resistance in older individuals, & may help fight against autoimmune disease.
Zofran: Benefits include prevention of nausea and vomiting.
Toradol: Helps to decrease swelling, pain, or fever.

Tell us how you're feeling when you come in to get an IV Infusion and an IV add on medication may make sense for your infusion.
L-Carnitine Injection
Саrnіtіnе іѕ аn аmіnо асіd соmроѕіtе – оnе оf thе buіldіng blосkѕ оf рrоtеіn. Іt еnhаnсеѕ thе bоdу’ѕ аbіlіtу tо mеtаbоlіzе fаt thеrеbу еnhаnсіng еnеrgу lеvеlѕ. Fоr bоdу buіldеrѕ, thіѕ mеаnѕ fаѕtеr muѕсlе buіldіng аnd fоr dіеtеrѕ, thе соmbіnаtіоn оf L-Саrnіtіnе аnd ехеrсіѕе еnhаnсеѕ fаt burnіng. L-Саrnіtіnе helps with weight loss, еnhаnсеѕ еnеrgу рrоduсtіоn, іmрrоvеѕ hеаrt аnd brаіn funсtіоn аnd muѕсulаr со-оrdіnаtіоn.
Lipotropic B12 Injection
Lipotropic injection (Lipo-B) contains essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that help in boosting the strength of our livers and overall health.
Benefits: Increase energy and promotes weight loss. Also, helps lessen cholesterol deposits in the blood stream. Boosts strength and overall health of liver.
B12 Injection
Deficiency of B12 (methylcobalamine) can cause fatigue, pale skin, and digestive problems. B12 helps form red blood cells and without it our bodies would be unable to absorb iron, which is why some people with B12 deficiency are anemic. The vitamin also improves our central nervous systems and metabolism.
We recommend three injections a week for 12 weeks for optimal results (for weight loss). There after once a week.

What IV infusion is right for you?
Did you know the human body is mostly made up of water? In fact, the average adult human body has up to 60% water (varies based on age and gender). This is important for a number of reasons when you look at the critical functions water serves.
We offer a wide range of IV infusion services - each delivering nutrients directly into the bloodstream helping your body replenish itself so you can feel your best. Try one of our IV infusions below:

What IV infusion is right for you?
Did you know the human body is mostly made up of water? In fact, the average adult human body has up to 60% water (varies based on age and gender). This is important for a number of reasons when you look at the critical functions water serves.
We offer a wide range of IV infusion services - each delivering nutrients directly into the bloodstream helping your body replenish itself so you can feel your best. Try one of our IV infusions below:

Feel dehydrated? Want to pre-hydrate prior to a big event such as a bachelor or bachelorette party or wedding? A cleanse may be the right choice for you.

Immune Boost
Do you want a little extra boost to help your metabolism this treatment may be right for you. It is full of essential amino acids and vitamins that promote weight loss.

Myers Cocktail
Enhances immune system, reduces fatigue, helps with seasonal allergies, reduces symptoms of fibromyalgia and asthma.

Tell us how you're feeling when you come in to get an IV Infusion and an IV add on medication may make sense for your infusion.
Glutathione: Benefits include reduces oxidative stress, may improve psoriasis, reduces cell damage in alcoholic and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, improves insulin resistance in older individuals, & may help fight against autoimmune disease.
Zofran: Benefits include prevention of nausea and vomiting.
Toradol: Helps to decrease swelling, pain, or fever.
We are excited to offer Semaglutide for weight loss! Semaglutide is an FDA approved prescription medications that has been shown to have a weight loss effect in addition to its primary use in improving blood sugar control in adults with type 2 diabetes. The weight loss effect occurs due to the reduction in appetite and increased feelings of fullness. Medications is taken once-weekly subcutaneous (under the skin) injection. Lifestyle changes including a healthy diet and exercise is important to maintain weight loss.
Baseline labs may be obtained from your PCP (valid within last year). If not, labs must be drawn prior to Semaglutide consultation and brought to your appointment. Please Note: We do not accept insurance.
Candidates for this treatment should have an elevated BMI and qualify for this treatment.
If you have any of the following, you should not consider this treatment:
You are not a candidate if you are a diabetic, or take any diabetic meds.
You are not a candidate if you are pregnant or trying for pregnancy, if you have any history of medullary thyroid cancer or multiple endocrine neoplasia; Caution if gall bladder disease or history of pancreatitis
This medication is contraindicated if you have severe depression or history of suicidal thoughts/ideation.


We are excited to now offer Semaglutide for weight loss! Semaglutide is a FDA approved prescription medication that has been shown to have a weight loss effect in addition to its primary use in improving blood sugar control in adults with type 2 diabetes. The weight loss effect occurs due to the reduction in appetite and increased feelings of fullness. Semaglutide is taken as a once-weekly subcutaneous (under the skin) injection. Lifestyle changes including a healthy diet and exercise is important to maintain weight loss.
Baseline labs may be obtained from your PCP (valid within last year). If not, labs must be drawn prior to Semaglutide consultation and brought to your appointment. Please Note: We do not accept insurance.
If you have any of the following, you should not consider this treatment:
Contraindicated if your BMI under 27
Your on any other diabetic meds
Have any history of thyroid cancer, gall bladder disease, or pancreatitis
Have severe depression or Suicidal Ideation

We are excited to now offer Semaglutide for weight loss! Semaglutide is a FDA approved prescription medication that has been shown to have a weight loss effect in addition to its primary use in improving blood sugar control in adults with type 2 diabetes. The weight loss effect occurs due to the reduction in appetite and increased feelings of fullness. Semaglutide is taken as a once-weekly subcutaneous (under the skin) injection. Lifestyle changes including a healthy diet and exercise is important to maintain weight loss.
Baseline labs may be obtained from your PCP (valid within last year). If not, labs must be drawn prior to Semaglutide consultation and brought to your appointment. Please Note: We do not accept insurance.
If you have any of the following, you should not consider this treatment:
Contraindicated if your BMI < 27
Your on any other diabetic meds
Have any history of thyroid cancer, gall bladder disease, or pancreatitis
Have severe depression or Suicidal Ideation